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Helping to Inspire the Next Generation of Aviators

Students of the Royal Aero Club of NSW standing in front of the fleet

Late last year, Sydney Flight Training joined forces with the newly re-established Royal Aero Club of NSW to provide them with a Part 141 until they receive approval for their own from CASA.  


From January 9th-14th, 35 young people aged 14-17 from around NSW took part in a Flight Training camp at Camden Airport. Students stayed at the University of Sydney campus and participated in briefings, flights, ground theory, and several fun activities including moonlight cinema and karaoke!

Students and Instructors in front of a Piper Warrior PA28

Sydney Flight Training provided both IJD (PA28) and KKB (C152) to the Royal Aero Club for use during the camp. IJD flew over 26 hours and KKB a huge 44 hours across the nine days. These were just two of the seven aircraft involved along with fifteen instructors including SFT’s Kayla and Aaron who were keen to volunteer their time and share their knowledge.

Sydney Flight Training's VH-IJD in flight

In total, just under 202 hours were flown with 532 touch and go’s and 3000L of fuel used. Three first solos and two training trea solos were completed – a fantastic achievement! Important first steps in an aviation career which we are delighted to have been a part of.

You can learn more about the valuable work the Royal Aero Club do in fostering a love of aviation for the next generation, discover more about the long history of this club and even get involved yourself by visiting the Royal Aero Club website.


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